Pay Per Classification

USD 49.00

Choose this option to pay per classification. Suitable for individual entities.

You can choose to classify one or more entities under either CRS or FATCA.
A separate fee of USD 49.00* applies to each classification and if you want to classify one entity for both CRS and FATCA there is a special discount of USD 59.00*

Prices are subject to change.

Example: ABC Ltd.
Example: Cayman Islands
Grand total


AEOI Classification Platform Demo

Unlimited Classifications

Watch this video of the AEOI Classification platform being used by an Institutional User.
An Institutional User has unlimited monthly access, is able to upload all of their customersโ€™ information on the platform and can then assign classification services for both FATCA and CRS.

Sign Up for Unlimited Classifications


Watch this video of the AEOI Classification platform being used by a Customer.
A Customer has a pay-per-classification access or access as a client of the Institutional Users, they can enter the system to classify their entities and will receive a classification certificate.

Sign Up for Pay-Per-Classifications

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